newest update:
Last night i was feeling super super sick cuz of the stupid chinese food at the mall where i work. so
B dawg and i almost didn't hang out. but then he texted me and asked if he could come see me and i was just like "whatevs yo i'm still sick but it's all dope" or something like that that was ballin and chill.
he comes over. we watch miss congeniality and it was fun.
next item of business:
i went to a meeting for The SHACK today and my hell some of the other SHACK people are really weird. So. That was a good way to put me on edge this morning. Granted, i learned a ton and am really glad i went but this one dude like would not shut up! we were talking about how we were in college and stuff and he just kept going "ah yeah yeah i remember that. you just have to keep pushin through. just keep pushin through." and all this other bull shit that i've already been told 560 times. i was bugged for sure.
then i went and met up with elizabeth at gateway (OH MY GOD IT WAS SOOOOOOOO GOOD TO SEE YOU DUDE.) and we chatted it up cuz we tend to talk a lot. then we went back to her dad's apt. and i ate her cereal and cookies and then we slept. see bottom pic. (up)
then i went home and snagged a few things from my house and ran into my mom at the gas station so that was pretty convenient.
then i came home to logan and john took me out to a really nice steak and seafood restaurant and gave me all the leftovers. :) YES I LOVE MY STEP DAAAAAD!
then i came back, watched an hour of MTV and then my roommates and i went bowling. see pic at top. well i bowled a 59. my very last frame, i told my roommates that this next bowl was called "The MOJA." so i head up to the lane, begin to throw my ball and slip, ball flies out into lane, i fall, land on my stomach, do a full 180 IN the lane, look back, and there was my strike.
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